Beginner Drum Course
A two-part, online beginner drum course that will take you through a methodical step-by-step process and give you the tools necessary to have fun making music on the drums.
A two-part, online beginner drum course that will take you through a methodical step-by-step process and give you the tools necessary to have fun making music on the drums.
This course is perfect for absolute beginners or intermediate drummers looking to fix gaps in their fundamentals. You’ll learn basic rhythms, beats, and fills in a step-by-step process. You’ll start to understand how rhythms are constructed. You’ll develop the coordination essential to being a successful drummer.
The tools in Part 1 will give you the foundation necessary to play almost any style of drums.
Part Two picks up where we left off at the end of Part One. This course is designed for the improving beginner drummer. Intermediate drummers looking to develop and refine proper fundamentals are welcome too. I’m still putting the finishing touches on Part Two but it’s launching very soon. The tools in Part 2 build on the foundation you’ve developed in Part 1.
Wanna be the first to know when it launches?
The Bridge, Super City, Carey Ziegler’s Expensive Hobby.